Monday, May 27, 2024

Hell's Kitchen Radio #530: Exhausting You Into Submission

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If I've said it once, I've said it a three or maybe four times: radio is the art of the segue. You don't need to listen to a work I say on this show, but you do need to listen to these sets of tunes. Hot damn these are some fine songs I have for you tonight.

New music from Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Kevin Abstract, Population II, and Slift. There's a lot of psych and dark-psych throughout, and it really moves through you. I enjoyed the hell outta bringing you this show.

I don't do a lot of pre-planning when it comes to my sets. I generally just grab a bunch of vinyl and my external hard drive and head to the station. Once I get there i take a look at what I brought with me, and choose my first song that is to represent "the sounds of Hell". That's always a hoot.

I think it was this first set that really got my engine revving. 

Take a look at the play list below and click on the link to listen to the show.

Enjoy and please share...and go support live, local bands!


Hell's Kitchen Radio with John Hell
Mondays 8-10PM
Radio Valencia in SF

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Bad Indian: Dead Pioneers
Institutionalized: Suicidal Tendencies

Night Gnomes: Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
Nice, Nice, Very Nice: Ambrosia

Once In A Lifetime: Kevin Abstract
Home Affairs: Osibisa
Wake Up The Sun: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Mutantes e Seus Cometas no Pais: Os Mutantes

Le Serpent: Population II
Solen Stiger Upp Del 1 and Del 2: Dungen
No Good Trying: Syd Barrett
Free The Skull: Moon Duo

Confluence: Slift
Dance of the Bacchantes: Dead Can Dance

Gathering of Ancient Tribes: Goat
Environs: MV and EE
IV: Aluk Todolo
Bring It On Home: Bo Diddley

Why Don't You Smile Now: Spiritualized

Monday, May 20, 2024

Hell's Kitchen Radio #529: From The First Hello

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No guests. No training. Just you and me and a whole hell of a lotta music. Musically speaking this may be my best show of the year so far. There are some inspired sets I think you're gonna love. And these are some of my longest sets too!

In my early radio days at KFJC we had to follow the clock and break at :10, :20, :40, and :50, as well as play a legal ID at top of the hour. Each break we had business to attend to: announcing other shows , public service announcements, ticket giveaways, and other bits and bobs. This gave us a 20 minute sweep at the bottom of the hour, and one at the top (except for that pesky legal ID).

I've kept to that clock pretty much throughout the years. I like the idea of stopping often enough for you to know who I played, while also having a few longer sets where I can stretch out some. I often get a bit more dissonant during these sweeps.

I wasn't strict with the clock tonight. 

I also went shopping at Stranded Records on Sunday. New music from Goat, Melvins (best album since the Big Business days IMHO), and Meatbodies. Lots of music to drop your panties to. A brief tribute to Steve Albini (more to come on that loss). And so much more. Take a look at the playlist below. Click the link above to listen in.

Enjoy and please share.


Hell's Kitchen Radio with John Hell
Mondays 8-10PM
Radio Valencia in SF

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Fight the Power: Brownout
Louder Than A Bomb: Public Enemy

Munaye: Mulatu Astatke
Behind the Wall of Sleep: Jazz Sabbath

Timeless Awareness: Goat
30 Seconds Over Tokyo: Pere Ubu
America's Most Blunted: MF Doom and Madlib

She's Got Weird Arms: Melvins
The Pharmacy: Crow Jane

Bulldog Front: Fugazi
Heartattack and Vine: Lydia Lunch and Nels Cline
Tupelo Blues: John Lee Hooker
Golden Hair: Hope Sandoval and Warm Inventions
Mind Daze: Psychic Ills

Radio Friendly Unit Shifter: Nirvana
Pink: Boris
Anlatmam Derdimi: Altin Gün
Slip It To The Android: Chrome
Float Along - Fill Your Lungs: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard

Gate: Meatbodies
Moonage Daydream: David Bowie
From the First Hello to the Last Goodbye: Jane Morgan

Monday, May 06, 2024

Hell's Kitchen Radio #528: Whoops I Did It Again

Listen to this show right here!!!

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It would appear I went a bit long and neglected my responsibility of posting my show. Sorry about that folks. I had a new Radio Valencia DJ in the studio for the night, training for his new show. You can check out The Final Step with Izzy Tuesdays 10-midnight. Nice guy. I'm looking forward to his show.

We have a lot of really great shows on Radio Valencia. And I'm nit just saying that. When I started this station I had a vision of a freeform station that allowed DJs to not only share the music they love, but to also continue to explore music of many genres, ready and excited to play what they find on their show, just for you.

That's what still excites me about hosting a radio show after all these years. 

So, even though I was distracted training our new host, I made certain to have some great music ready for you over two hours. New music from the Murlocks, Melvins with Helms Alee covering some early Scorpions, new Meatbodies, Population II from Montreal, Slift, Kim Gordon, and Psychedelic Porn Crumpets whom I'm seeing in San Francisco next week!

There's also some rare San Francisco punk with pre-Flipper band Negative Trend, as well as some SF funk/punk with Dread Zeppelin, and many other treats sprinkled about.

Enjoy and please share.


Hell's Kitchen Radio with John Hell
Mondays 8-10PM
Radio Valencia in SF

Follow me on Facebook
Follow Radio Valencia on Facebook
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The Payback Mix: James Brown
A Change is Gonna Come: The Gits

Virgin Criminal: The Murlocs
Big Boss Man (with Hope Sandoval): Mercury Rev

Talk to God: Goat
Crossing: Wooden Shjips
The Sails of Charon: Melvins and Helms Alee
Dragonaut: Sleep

April in Paris: Billie Holiday
How Blue Can You Get: BB King

Silly Cybin: Meatbodies
Now: Negativland

Hélène: Population II
Nimh: Slift

The Believers: Kim Gordon
Hey, Hey What Can I Do?: Dread Zeppelin
Meathouse: Negative Trend

Nightmare (K.I.L.L.I.N.G.) Meow: Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
Meet Me At The Bottom: Pink Anderson
Rock A Bye Baby: Big Mama Thornton

Beat Club: A/LPACA