Monday, July 19, 2021

John Hell's Live Bootleg Bonanza - Monday 6-10PM Pacific - The Clash (1979) & Blondie (1977)


John Hell's Live Bootleg Bonanza

Monday's 6-8PM Pacific

                             Download this show right here!!!

I remember being 12 years old in September 1982 when I learned about The Clash from my best friend, Jimmy Mayor's older sister, who was very Orange County punk. I loved everything about her style, especially the music she was listening to. She was listening to Combat Rock and was telling me and Jimmy we really needed to be listening to them too. Trust me when I tell you I took her at her word.

I lived in SoCal for about a coffee break, from early 1981 to late 1982, when I moved to the Bay Area. My time in SoCal was formative where music was concerned. It was the first time that I found myself listening to music that wasn't coming from what my dad or older sisters were listening to. It's the first time I wanted to go by music of my own.

Tonight I feature two great shows from two bands that influenced my young ears. First up, The Clash from January 3, 1979 at the Lyceum in London. This is a stellar soundboard. This show is shortly after "Give 'Em Enough Rope" came out, but they were already playing a few songs that would show up on "London Calling" later in the year.

The second hour features a young Debbie Harry and Blondie from The Old Waldorf in San Francisco. This was originally broadcast live on the great KSAN-FM. Much of the reason I am in radio is because of Big Daddy Tom Donohue. I read Harry's memoir, "Face It". She's a fun story teller. It lends a level of "truth" to an already colorful tale. Buy it, you'll like it.



Stick around for my weekly music mix: Hell's Kitchen Radio, 8-10pm Pacific.

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Stick around 8-10PM Pacific for my weekly music mix, Hell's Kitchen Radio.

Hell's Kitchen Radio with John Hell
Mondays 8-10PM Pacific
Radio Valencia in SF
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