Monday, February 08, 2021

John Hell's Live Bootleg Bonanza - Monday, February 8, 2021, 6-8PM Pacific - Soul Patrol


   John Hell's Live Bootleg Bonanza

Monday's 6-8PM Pacific

If you listen to Hell's Kitchen Radio, Monday's 8-10pm Pacific, then you know that when it comes to music, Black history emanates from each of my shows. I know it's Black History Month, but popular music wouldn't exist if it weren't for the talents of amazing Black artists, too many to list here.

Tonight I want to showcase three amazing artists who have made an indelible mark on my soul: Tina Turner, Curtis Mayfield, and Aretha Franklin. Each have made huge contributions to music, fashion and culture in our second half of the 20th century, and into today.

The first show I'm going to share are actually made up from two Soul Train appearances of Ike and Tina Turner. Dayyyyyyyyyum, they can get down. The first is from my second birthday, September 30, 1972, and the second is a few year later, when they were the biggest act on tour, January 19, 1975.

Following Ike and Tina, I have a composite of some of the best live performances from the late, great Curtis Mayfield. Enjoy these thirteen tracks from various live shows and some studio outtakes between 1972-1974.

The final show I have for you this evening features the Queen of Soul herself, Aretha Franklin, live at Montreux, Switzerland, June 12, 1971. There is a reason she is called the Queen of Soul. Tune in to find out.

Stick around 8-10PM Pacific Monday night for my two hour music mix, Hell's Kitchen Radio, where I mix up the platters that matter.

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